Families » AOK (Alpha Omega Kids)

AOK (Alpha Omega Kids)


About Us

Families with students enrolled at Kaleidoscope Charter School (KCS) may participate in the before and after school program ALPHA OMEGA KIDS, known as AOK. Alpha Omega Kids is a separate entity and is independent of KCS.


Established in 2004, AOK is exempt from licensing due to the following conditions. First, Kaleidoscope Charter School founders invited Charlene Stewart to join KCS as a partner in education. Second, after accepting the challenge, Charlene registered AOK as a small business at KCS. Third, AOK was approved to operate by the KCS School Board as the school's before and after school interactive club. Because AOK is not the usually licensed daycare and with KCS supervision and support, AOK can offer families a hefty discount on tuition and a team of trained, certified, or licensed and caring teachers, professionals, and volunteers.



AOK is a before and after school program that is family oriented, multicultural, anti-biased, and all-inclusive for our students. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said: "Intelligence plus character… that is the goal of true education." Our stellar program is designed based on this philosophical platform. AOK is committed to maximizing our resources and supporting our children to learn and grow to become their best versions.



AOK incorporates various activities and games that promote healthy study habits such as homework help, buddy-reading, computer lab, family values like respect, responsibility, kindness, trust, and social skills that challenge independent thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration through teamwork.


Full Circle

Although we hold our students with high expectations, they feel at home and belong while they are at AOK because they enjoy our democratic, safe, clean and accepting environment. Many of our alums have returned to AOK as volunteers and teacher's assistants. They would tell their friends: "Once AOK, always AOK."


Space is limited. Enroll today!

Before and After School

AOK Program Hours

  • School Days: 6:30-7:45 a.m. and 2:30-5:30 p.m.
  • Non-School Days: 6:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
  • AOK closes on all national holidays and during school winter break.
  • AOK is open during planned 2-hour late start or early release (not weather-related; extra fees may apply)


AOK Offers

  • Convenient on-site location
  • Safe, clean, fun, and family-friendly environment
  • Certified/licensed, trained, experienced, and caring staff
  • Consistent programming and flexible scheduling
  • Extra help with homework and problem solving
  • Educational, social and fun activities
  • Tasty snacks
  • Reasonable and competitive rates
  • Care for non-school days and summer!
  • Family Appreciation Night and AOKFest

School Closings Announcements

It is in our agreement to keep students and staff safe; if Kaleidoscope Charter School is closed, AOK is also closed. (Typically, if the major news networks announce Elk River ISD728 is closed, then Kaleidoscope Charter School is also closed. KCS reserves the right to close independently of ISD728.)

