Families » Safety | Security

Safety | Security

At Kaleidoscope, we take multiple measures to ensure our students and staff members are and feel safe. School safety plays a significant role in academics and emotional well-being.

Visitors, including parents, are buzzed into the school building once they have identified themselves and their purpose for visiting Kaleidoscope. This process ensures only those with a legitimate purpose are in the school throughout the day.

Many safety enhancements have been completed during the 2022-2023 school year to ensure a safe and secure environment.

  • Shatter-proof window film has been installed on many of our outside windows.
  • Key fobs have been added to all external doors.
  • Classroom and office door locks are being replaced.
  • Revisions were made to Kaleidoscope’s Emergency Action Plan based on an Emergency Operations Plan Self-Assessment Checklist completed with Wright County Sheriffs.
  • Wright County Sheriffs trained all staff on intruder scenarios and response strategies.


Kaleidoscope Charter School will be testing all its drinking water taps and fountains in 2024-25.  To align with state guidelines and procedures, upon completion of testing, results, as well as any remediation procedures will be kept on file in the school office and may be viewed upon request.