World's Best Workforce
In 2013 the Minnesota legislature adopted what is referred to as the World’s Best Workforce legislation. This legislation requires a school board to adopt a comprehensive long-term strategic plan at a public meeting to support and improve teaching and learning.
Under the legislation, each school board is required to develop a plan that contains the following:
- Clearly defined student achievement goals and benchmarks;
- Processes to evaluate each student's progress toward meeting the state and local academic standards;
- A system to review and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction and curriculum;
- Practices that integrate high-quality instruction, rigorous curriculum, instructional technology, and a collaborative professional culture that supports teacher quality, performance, and effectiveness;
- Evidence-based strategies for improving curriculum, instruction, and student achievement.
The legislation also requires each school to submit an annual summary of their progress toward their World’s Best Workforce Plan goals.
You can view KCS's current World’s Best Workforce plan by clicking on the link below.